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Yamashita's Laboratory
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Y. Yamashita, T. Saito (2015): Effects of weak organic acids on the size distribution and size-dependent metal binding of humic substances as studied by flow field-flow fractionation, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 3, 3024–3029.
Y. Yamashita, N. Yanase, T. Nagano. Hi. Mitamura and H. Naganawa (2015): Decontamination and volume reduction of cesium-contaminated soil by combining soil solidification with interpolyelectrolyte complex and wet classification, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 305, 583–587.
Y. Yamashita, M. Kumagai and Y. Adachi (2015): Contact angle and surface roughness of the imogolite membrane fabricated with different concentrations of humic acid, Humic Substances Research, 11, 1–7.
T. Nagano, H. Mitamura, Y. Yamashita, N. Yanase, H. Suzuki and H. Naganawa (2014): Continuous liquid-liquid extraction of nickel from simulated electroless nickel plating liquid wastes by using counter current emulsion flow extractor, Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan, 21, 111–117
山下祐司,田邊洋祐,足立泰久 (2013): 分画分子量の異なるフミン酸の沈着速度と臨界沈着濃度, 農業農村工学会論文集, 288, 33–37.
Y. Yamashita, T. Tanaka, Y. Adachi (2013): Transport behavior and deposition kinetics of humic acid under acidic conditions in porous media, Colloids and Surfaces A, 417, 230-235.
山下祐司, 田中知 (2012): 放射性廃棄物処分事業における科学アカデミーの役割—日米アカデミーの比較から得られる示唆,日本原子力学会和文論文誌, 11, 177-192.
T. Fujiwara, T. Saito, Y. Muroya, H. Sawahata, Y. Yamashita, S. Nagasaki, K. Okamoto, H. Takahashi, M. Uesaka, Y. Katsumura, S.Tanaka (2012): Isotopic ratio and vertical distribution of radionuclides in soil affected by the accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plants, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity”, 113, 37-44.
白鳥克哉, 山下祐司, 足立泰久 (2010): 砂充填カラム内でのカオリナイト粒子の捕捉挙動に対するフミン酸吸着の影響, 農業農村工学会論文集, 78, 41-45.
白鳥克哉, 山下祐司, 足立泰久 (2008): 表面付着物の除去による豊浦砂の表面荷電特性と豊浦砂充填カラムのカオリナイト粒子捕捉率の変化, 農業農村工学会論文集, 255, 235-240.
K. Shiratori, Y. Yamashita, Y. Adachi (2007): Deposition and subsequent release of Na-kaolinite particles by adjusting pH in the column packed with Toyoura sand, Colloids and Surfaces A, 306, 137-141.
山下祐司, 足立泰久 (2006): ガラスビーズ及び鹿沼土充填カラムにおけるコロイド粒子の捕捉に関する界面動電的測定に基づく考察, 農業土木学会論文集, 245, 47-53.
山下祐司, 足立泰久 (2004): ガラスビーズ及び鹿沼土カラムを通過するモデルコロイド粒子の輸送に対するコロイド安定性及び間隙径の影響, 農業土木学会論文集, 233, 75-81.
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